The SteamBioAfrica project is a collaborative effort comprising of 15 partners representing 8 countries, each contributing their unique expertise towards fulfillment of the project objectives.
Learn more about the partners below.

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and is one of Europe’s largest research institutions and jointly with the Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville (IRNAS), they play the project’s coordination role, interfacing between the project consortium and the European Commission. Through IRNAS, they also ensue that the impacts on soil and water systems by the SteamBioAfrica project are studied and the negative impacts mitigated.

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is a world-class University with a mission to develop the understanding and use of biological natural resources through research and education. In SteamBioAfrica, SLU will build on their previous experience within the original SteamBio project to ensure full systems, analyses, and life cycle assessments are conducted. SLU is also responsible to ensure that the SteamBioAfrica project is inclusive, with emphasis on gender and social inclusion.

SteamBio Ltd
SteamBio Ltd was established to build on the success of the original SteamBio project (EC grant agreement 636865). It is owned by Network New Europe Ltd, the exploitation lead in SteamBio, Dave Wakefield, the technical manager in SteamBio and, Manrochem Ltd the technical lead in SteamBio. As SteamBio Ltd they collectively bring together the necessary enabling technical and commercial background to successfully transfer this knowledge into SteamBioAfrica.

Carbon Capital
Carbon Capital is a project development and venture capital company targeting commercially viable projects within the regional bioeconomy of southern Africa. Carbon Capital leads the commercial exploitation component of the SteamBioAfrica project, with focus on promoting market awareness and structuring financing mechanisms for the rollout of the SteamBioAfrica technology platform post-project.

The Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) is an international non-profit Think and Do tank that works with businesses, policy makers, partner organisations and civil society towards a good life

The Namibia Biomass Industry Group (N-BiG) is a non-profit industry association with a remit to transform Namibia’s encroacher bush problem into sustainable value chains. N-BiG represents a wide range of private sector members within the local bush-biomass sector. N-BiG’s role within SteamBioAfrica is to facilitate and structure the biomass supply chain required for the SteamBioAfrica project.

Urbion was the partner and host of the original SteamBio project’s demonstration facility. Urbion bring their experience from the original project and their global network of potential investors to support the post-project commercialisation of the SteamBioAfrica technology.

The Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) is a leading national university focussing on applied sciences. NUST promotes national competitiveness by providing multiple opportunities for excellent education, applied research, innovation and service. NUST have undertaken numerous projects on creating value from bush-biomass and will play a the role of local research institution within the SteamBioAfrica project.

CE Bennett & Sons Ltd
CE Bennet & Sons is a family-owned mechanical engineering contractor, delivering fabrication and installation projects for leading process and chemical engineering companies. In SteamBioAfrica, they will be responsible for the fabrication of the core processing technology and its installation and commissioning at the project site in Namibia.

Evenor-Tech is a private technology-based company from Spain focus on ICT for land evaluation. The firm provides expertise on Artificial Intelligence, Geodatabases, Modelling, DSS, Earth Observation, Community of Practice and Digital Communication Marketing (web, hub, e-learning, etc). Evenor-Tech will lead the environmental data management, mapping, and geospatial components within the SteamBioAfrica project.

Celignis are specialists in ligno-cellulosic chemistry and analysis. In SteamBioAfrica, they will enable responsive process optimisation both during the project phase and in post-project commercialisation.

The Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI) is a parastatal research institution, conducting needs-based research and development in focused areas. BITRI’s mandate is to identify, develop and/or adapt appropriate technology solutions that provide sustainable innovative solutions through co-creation and collaboration in line with national priorities and needs of Botswana. BITRI plays a research and market validation role within the SteamBioAfrica project. They will also ensure the project relevance to Botswana.

Ekasi Energy
Ekasi are a biomass technology and value chains company focussed on using invasive biomass to provide energy and heating for domestic and commercial applications in Africa. Within SteamBioAfrica, they will ensure the project relevance to South Africa, develop the manufacturing pathways for post-project commercialisation, facilitate the supply of local biomass materials for processing trials, and support the validation of user acceptance of the resulting products.

Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) is an International conservation NGO. Headquarters are in Namibia, a field station in Somaliland, corporate offices in USA, and affiliates in several countries. CCF investigates cheetah biology and applies remote sensing, detection and livestock guarding dogs, and genetic analysis, to refine techniques for mitigating human wildlife conflict. CCF shares findings in peer reviewed and other publications. CCF also operates the Biomass Technology Demonstration Centre in Namibia, the host for the SteamBioAfrica technology site. CCF will also lead the operation of the SteamBioAfrica plant, as well as provision of local biomass materials for processing trials.

Skogforsk is the central research body for the Swedish forestry sector and is financed jointly by the government and its members. Skogforsk develop and communicate knowledge, services and products to support even greater sustainability in forestry to benefit the society. Skogforsk’s demand-driven applied research includes a wide variety of fields, such as forest technology, raw-material utilization, environmental impact and conservation, forest tree breeding, logistics, forest bioenergy and silviculture.